12 Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies You Must Watch (But Only Once)

8. Kuso

Kuso Movie
Brainfeeder Films

Coming, bizarrely, from the mind of masked rapper Captain Murphy/ visionary hip hop producer Flying Lotus, this disturbing post-apocalyptic black comedy anthology may be the single most viscerally disgusting film on this list—an impressive achievement when you consider that body horror genius David Cronenberg puts in more than one appearance here.

The gruesome vignettes contained by this grimy, upsettingly sticky flick include sights like a smoke-able fetus, a parasitic bug living in an anus, and a tree which features some sort of filthy magical orifice which demands to be fed faeces.

Yes, we’re aware it sounds like a singular flick not suitable for all tastes, but the mesmeric skill with which the flick’s horrific production design and alternately cartoony and hyper-realistic prosthetic effects are employed makes this strange, often shocking odyssey an unmissable—if almost unwatchable—cinematic experience.

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Sci-Fi Kuso
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