12 Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies You Must Watch (But Only Once)

5. Alien 3

Kuso Movie

Yeah, it’s an unexpected inclusion on this list, but hear us out.

We may be accustomed to Social Network director David Fincher’s disappointing and eventually disowned addition to the Alien mythos, but this 1990 flop is actually an impressively disturbing instalment when viewed with fresh eyes.

Opening by killing off Newt, both the lone innocent soul of the series and the only remaining connection to Ripley’s waning humanity, the film immediately lands the viewer amidst hardened prisoners and their sadistic guards. It’s a cruel and vicious cast of characters who flip a finger at the camaraderie of Aliens’ heroes, and the heroine’s brutal ordeal throughout this film, culminating in her violent self-sacrifice, makes for a singularly intense, upsetting experience which upends the triumphant “good beats evil” theme of the preceding film and pessimistically brutalizes the viewer.

But you’ll still leave it out of a full series re-watch, right?

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Sci-Fi Kuso
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