12 Dumbest Comic Book Movie Characters

11. Tony Stark - Iron Man

Okay, yes, Tony Stark is an absolute genius. Scientifically, he€™s one of the finest minds in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He frequently comes across as lacking in terms of common sense and decision-making, though.

From revealing his secret identity in the first film to doing some impromptu Formula 1 driving in Iron Man 2, Stark is creature of passion who rarely thinks before he acts. This becomes a major problem in Age Of Ultron when his desire to experiment on Loki€™s sceptre results in the creation of sentient murder bot Ultron.

Stupidest moment: €œThere's no politics here, it's just good old-fashioned revenge. There's no Pentagon. It's just you and me,€ Tony says, taunting the terrorist known as The Mandarin before handing out his home address in Iron Man 3. Superhero moments don€™t come much dumber than that.

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Iron Man
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