12 Dumbest Comic Book Movie Characters
10. Commissioner Gordon - The Dark Knight Rises

Again, most of the time, Gary Oldmans version of Commission Gordon is extremely intelligent. We can even overlook the fact that he doesnt work out Batmans secret identity, because Bruce Waynes double life remains a heavily guarded secret throughout the Nolan films.
However, theres one moment in The Dark Knight Rises that simply cant go unpunished. Its a spectacular new level of comic book movie stupidity, which got a lot of people killed and almost irredeemably screwed over Gotham City.
Stupidest moment: No more patrols, no more hide and seek. Get every available cop down there and smoke him out demands Gordon from his hospital bed, sending every available policeman into Banes hidden base.
This decision leads to a huge number of policemen getting trapped, and allows Banes forces to easily overpower the citys remaining defences. Maybe the GCPD should have a rule allowing officers to refuse the commissioners orders when hes in a hospital bed on heavy medication.