12 Famous Movies That Were Almost Given Absurdly Bad Titles

1. "Spaceman From Pluto" - Back to the Future

Bttf Without a doubt, the worst working title for any movie in the history of cinematic endeavour has to be this one. At one time, Robert Zemeckis' perfectly titled - and I do mean perfectly titled - Back to the Future was nearly christened "Spaceman From Pluto," a title so bad that it would have guaranteed box office death for sure. Can you imagine if this had gone through? Luckily, Steven Spielberg got involved and managed to prevent a disaster: he sent a fax to the executive who suggested it, saying "Thanks for the joke memo, guys: it's the funniest thing ever. We're still laughing about it." The executive never got back to them, presumably too embarrassed to admit that his suggestion had actually been a serious one. Phew. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

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