12 Films That Had Surprising Commercial Consequences

2. Drive Turned The Toothpick Into The Ultimate Bad-Ass Accessory

drive1 When compiling a list of cinema's coolest characters, only a fool would omit The Driver. Ryan Gosling may be the strong, silent type (preferring to let his fists -and feet- do the talking) but with that toothpick forever dangling from the corner of his mouth, he spoke volumes. Sure, he may have borrowed this little trick from Clint Eastwood, but there can be no denying that part of his allure can be attributed to his munching on a bit of wood flavoured with tea-tree oil. Sorry if this dampened the illusion somewhat, but, as the actor has remarked, he did have to chew them all day... Not that such a confession would've made any difference: as well as satin jackets emblazoned with scorpions tearing up your search bar, it was reported that Canadian toothpick sales increased 9000% after the release of the film.

Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.