12 Greatest Escapes In Comic Book Movies

3. The Climb - The Dark Knight Rises

Not all escapes require intricate planning. Bruce Wayne pulls off the near impossible by making the climb and escaping Bane€™s prison in The Dark Knight Rises. Through sheer force of will, Bruce Wayne accomplishes something only one other person had done before in order to reach freedom atop the underground prison. It all seems rather rudimentary, but further examination reveals this scene to be the most emotionally impactful of any on this list. The Dark Knight Trilogy begins with a young Bruce Wayne falling down a well and into an ungerground cave. He€™s been told that we fall so that we can learn to pick ourselves up, but it is his father, Thomas Wayne, who lifts Bruce out of that well. Fast forward about thirty years and the adult Bruce Wayne finds himself once again below the surface and looking up a tunnel that looks very much like the well at Wayne Manor. No one is coming to save Bruce this time. If he is to escape, he must show that he has learned to pick himself up, and he does.

Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of ModernMythMedia.com.