12 Highly-Anticipated Movies That Are Never Getting Made

10. The Six Million Dollar Man

The Lee Majors-starring TV series of the 1970s - which spawned 99 episodes and 6 TV movies - was a major pop-culture hit, detailing the travails of an ex-astronaut fitted with bionic implants, and has been hugely influential ever since. It's therefore little surprise that studio executives have tried to develop a film adaptation; perhaps the only shock is that it's taken over three decades to get the thing made. Kevin Smith - again, a frequent fixture in these sorts of projects - wrote a script for a speculative Steve Austin film in the 1990s, reportedly wanting Chris Rock for the role, which one cannot imagine studio executives were particularly thrilled about. However, nothing came of this, and in 2003, it was announced that the project would be re-established as a zany comedy starring Jim Carrey, though little has been heard of it since. Apparently there is an issue of rights contention between Miramax and Universal that is holding the project up. Carrey could be stellar in a role like this - and he could certainly use the good work - but these sorts of legal wranglings can take forever and in many cases, complete derail a project, along with the enthusiasm of everyone involved.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.