12 Horrific Horror Movie Deaths You’ve (Probably) Never Seen

3. Gutsy - City Of The Living Dead

Aenigma Slugs
Dania Film

It’s your old Italian pal Lucio Fulci again, with perhaps his most underrated work. City Of The Living Dead is a movie that operates purely on nightmare logic, since it doesn’t make a lick of sense, but the imagery is greatly disturbing.

He also managed to come up with a visual metaphor for the movie, where one victim is seen literally puking her guts out. She catches a glimpse of an evil psychic priest (long story), and after bleeding from the eyes for a bit she feels sick to her stomach; like, extremely sick.

This scene is made all the harder to stomach (sorry) when you learn the poor actress actually had to hold animal guts in her mouth to make it work, and boy does it make viewers feel intensely nauseated.

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