12 Horrific Horror Movie Deaths You’ve (Probably) Never Seen

5. Prepped For Surgery - Creep

Aenigma Slugs

Creep is a British horror movie about a woman who finds herself trapped in the London Underground, being pursued by a twisted cannibal hermit; which is never fun, believe me.

The backstory of the killer is never fully explained, though it suggests he was the product of some kind of experiment in an abandoned underground lab. It appears he witnessed a lot of surgeries happening here too, since he later ties a poor victim to a chair, and after mimicking scrubbing up for an operation, takes a bone saw and rams it between her legs.

Thankfully we don’t see the end result of this since the implications are disturbing enough, but it’s a scene that you can’t help being unsettled by.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.