12 Horrific Movie Animal Deaths You Haven't Recovered From

4. All Dogs Go To Heaven - Charlie

All Dogs Go To Heaven Charlie In Heaven Gif Gif

Poor little Charlie risks his life saving his human friend in this children's animated "feel good" film about dying. Ann Marie is drowning so Charlie jumps in to save her, despite choosing her over the watch that will get him into Heaven. This heroic action reminds its audience that animals will go to great lengths to show their love for you and it isn't unheard of that they will often put their safety at risk to ensure yours. And they'll still die in the process. Although, you can't really feel too bad for this pup because he does finally get to go and enjoy Heaven after he finds out who murdered him in the first place and saves Ann Marie's life. What makes this film so appealing is that Charlie turns from a selfish and arrogant dog into a loving and sacrificial one after he learned what love is from Ann Marie. Which is also basically the plot of When Harry Met Sally, oddly.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com