12 Horrific Movie Animal Deaths You Haven't Recovered From

5. Mad Max - Dog

Who wouldn't follow Mel Gibson around when he's looking so swag in all of that leather? Dog isn't any different although he probably isn't following Gibson because he fancies him, but for companionship in this world of dystopian adventures. Once more the film proves that man's best friend always gets the rough end of the deal. Dog is simply called Dog probably either because Max is a huge Hepburn fan or is highly uncreative. Probably the former. In real life, rather touchingly, Dog was saved by the filmmakers from being euthanized in a shelter they visited to cast a canine buddy for Max for filming. Dog was then trained and made his debut in the movie Mad Max 2 and was later adopted by one of the camera operators. All very touching, but no tonic for when the poor hound gets killed by a crossbow bolt.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com