12 Horrific Movie Animal Deaths You Haven't Recovered From

7. The Green Mile - Mr. Jingles

Mr Jingles The Green Mile Gif Gif

Despite the heart-breaking notes of Michael Clarke-Duncan's performance as John Coffey, Mr. Jingles steals the show with his cute little mousey ways in The Green Mile. And it's testament to his appeal that it is when Percy stamps on his little body that his evil is truly cemented: not when he is needlessly violent, or forgets to wet the sponge on purpose... Nope, it's when he kills a mouse. Thank goodness John Coffey was able to cure him with his healing powers and Mr. Jingles lived a very long life and did tricks that make your pets look entirely inferior. He doesn't just bring you a bobbin, he brings you hope in your time of need. And then just when you're happily accepting that he will probably live forever, he goes and dies again.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com