12 Horrific Movie Animal Deaths You Haven't Recovered From

6. The Chronicles Of Narnia - Aslan

Everyone was pretty shocked at just how brutal Aslan's death, but it fits with the religious motifs that appear throughout CS Lewis' Narnia series. Similarly to JC, Aslan is a leader and a pacifist in his death. Firstly, he is humiliated by having his mane shaved off and he is then muzzled and tied up before being beaten up and taunted by the witch's mythical creature henchmen, who deserve considerably worse treatment themselves. Despite the fact all you wanted him to do was pounce and devour that witch b*tch, Aslan took Edmund's place and sacrificed his own life so that he could ultimately save everyone as well as himself in the end. The allegorical death might have been important to the narrative, but it was still stunningly harsh.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com