12 Huge Movies That Deadpool Destroyed At The Box Office

10. Fifty Shades Of Grey

Box Office: $571 million Whether you want to accept it or not, this adaptation of E.L. James' atrocious erotic novel was nothing short of a box office sensation, and comparable to Deadpool for two reasons: it was also R-rated, and also opened on Valentine's Day. In that respect they're both two sides of the same coin: Fifty Shades is the typical slush trotted out on V-Day for couples, and Deadpool is a clever work of counter-programming, evidenced no better than by the movie's own hilarious Valentine's Day-style posters. Sex sells, so Fifty Shades was always going to be a box office smash (pardon the pun), and did many really expect Wade Wilson to be able to overcome the baseness of a movie exploiting the lucrative sexually repressed housewife market? Whether the two Fifty Shades sequels (which are currently shooting back-to-back) will be able to get their own back on Pool remains to be seen, but we'll go with probably not, considering how many people were disappointed by the first film's lack of full-frontal nudity.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.