12 Huge Movies That Wonder Woman Destroyed At The Box Office

3. All These Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

Captain America The Winter Soldier Bucky
Marvel Studios

Box Office: The Incredible Hulk ($263.4 million), Captain America: The First Avenger ($370.5 million), Thor ($449.3 million), Ant-Man ($519.3 million), Iron Man ($585.1 million), Spider-Man: Homecoming ($600 million approx), Iron Man 2 ($623.9 million), Thor: The Dark World ($644.5 million), Doctor Strange ($677.7 million), Captain America: The Winter Soldier ($714.2 million), Guardians of the Galaxy ($773.3 million)

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is, of course, the DCEU's most direct rival in terms of box office dollars, so it's a damn good sign that Wonder Woman's debut movie beat eleven of the MCU's sixteen movies to date at the box office.

Perhaps most impressive is that Wonder Woman just recently soared past the insanely successful Guardians of the Galaxy, providing that the DCEU at its best can stand tall with the MCU's most fiercely original property to date.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.