12 Huge Movies That Wonder Woman Destroyed At The Box Office

2. Every Single X-Men Movie

logan x-men
20th Century Fox

Box Office: X-Men ($296.3 million), X-Men: First Class ($353.6 million), X-Men Origins: Wolverine ($373.0 million), X2 ($407.7 million), The Wolverine ($414.8 million), X-Men: The Last Stand ($459.3 million), X-Men: Apocalypse ($543.9 million), Logan ($616.2 million), X-Men: Days of Future Past ($747.8 million), Deadpool ($783.1 million)

Last year, Deadpool shocked the world by out-grossing every prior X-Men movie, an especially impressive feat considering its R-rating and how well-established the more central X-Men movie characters are.

At the time of press, Wonder Woman is just crossing the line to beat Deadpool's worldwide cume, making it a bigger box office success than every single X-Men movie, a major win for the DCEU considering the popular ensemble cast of the X-Men movies, and especially the near-universal appeal of Hugh Jackman.

Ever the class act, Deadpool himself, Ryan Reynolds, honoured the historic occasion the only way Wade Wilson knows how.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.