9. Ogrim Doomhammer - Warcraft
Why We're Worried: A film based on the Warcraft video game franchise has so many questions and red flags surrounding it. For starters, getting the right tone, so that it doesn't condescend the series' fans while also managing to appeal to those who've never played a Warcraft game, is going to be incredibly difficult. Plus, as impressive as Duncan Jones' two films to date have been, they cost just $5 million and $32 million each, whereas this CGI-heavy adventure is priced north of $100 million, so the film will be a true test of whether Jones has the chops to make it in the blockbuster arena. Why This Image Rocks: Though the first Warcraft trailer doesn't drop until November, this recently-released image of the film's Orc leader, Ogrim Doomhammer (played by Robert Kazinsky via performance capture), makes a pretty clear case that the movie will be following the aesthetic of the source material extremely faithfully. Plus, the visual effects look absolutely stunning, which for a film this rooted in CGI, is absolutely crucial. Hopefully this isn't just the best of the bunch, and the rest of the movie's characters (especially the live-action ones) stand up to the same level of fanboy scrutiny.
Jack Pooley
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.
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