12 Images That Will Restore Your Faith In Upcoming Movies

8. Penelope Cruz Gets Sexy - Zoolander 2

Why We're Worried: On one hand, fans have been asking for a Zoolander sequel ever since the first one became a cult hit in 2001, but on the other, there's the concern that too much time has passed and that the follow-up simply won't manage to recapture the magic of the demented original film. Sure, the majority of the original's cast has elected to return, which is encouraging, but if it's just a retread of what came before, there's really not much point. It needs to find a way to evolve and be different, given how both comedy and fashion have inevitably changed in the interceding 15 years. Why This Image Rocks: One sure-fire way to get people interested in your movie is to hire an actress as stunningly beautiful and talented as Penelope Cruz, all the more so when she seems to have an absolutely insane role in the movie. Other images have shown the actress wearing skin-tight red leather and riding a motorcycle, as well as having a hilarious sex scene with Ben Stiller in the mud (wearing the same outfit as is in this image). Above all else, it suggests that Zoolander 2 is going to ramp up the silliness and hopefully make the most of its talented cast. Plus, Cruz is, like, totally hot, and that outfit is very flattering.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.