12 Most Influential Blockbuster Movies Ever Made

9. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Terminator 21 As well as being the first $100m movie, one that would usher in the age of the mega-budget blockbuster, James Cameron's Terminator 2 also began the CGI revolution. After creating a convincing digital character for 1989s The Abyss, the technology took a huge leap forward with Robert Patrick's liquid metal T1000. Within a few years computer effects were all the rage in major studio movies, indebted to the director and ILM's pioneering work on T2. Although the T1000 appears in liquid metal form for less than 5 minutes of the movie's 140 minute runtime, it still took a team of 35 people to create the CGI components, such was the unprecedented nature of the task at hand. The effects would quickly infiltrate popular culture, being parodied everywhere from Wayne's World to The Simpsons to Hot Shots: Part Deux! More than 20 years on, the effects looks a little primitive (which is to be expected) but Terminator 2 remains one of the most enjoyable blockbusters ever produced. The movie was a huge success upon release, taking almost $520m at the worldwide box office. As well as the groundbreaking CGI, Stan Winston's practical effects remain flawless, Arnold Schwarzenegger cemented his T800 as one of cinema's most iconic characters, Linda Hamilton became the greatest female heroine since James Cameron got his hands on Ellen Ripley and the action set-pieces are nothing short of spectacular.

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