12 Insane Early Movie Roles By MCU Actors

2. Pom Klementieff's Gross-out French Porn Farce - Les Kaira

Chris Pratt Deep In The Valley 2

Weirdly, Star Lord isn't the only one of the Guardians of the Galaxy whose pre-fame back catalogue includes a porn comedy. Mantis has done one as well.

Just before her Hollywood debut in the Spike Lee remake of Oldboy (which featured a bunch of future MCU stars and would definitely qualify as some of their most insanely plotted work if it wasn't already so well known), French actress Pom Klementieff made a sex farce in her home country.

Les Kaira, known in the English-speaking world as Porn In The Hood, was adapted from a comedy webseries about a trio of low-lives in the banlieues (low-income housing projects, typically home to North African immigrants).

In the movie version, the three spend all their time getting high and reading porn mags until a classified ad offers them the inspiration to become porn stars themselves. The only issue is finding a girl to appear in their demo film, a quest which leads both to Klementieff and a whole lot of Jackass-style mayhem and mishaps.

There's a bit with a dwarf being thrown to a pack of dogs, a scene involving taxidermy and cat allergies with a female ejaculation punchline and, in what isn't even the first example of an ex-Premiership footballer on this list, a random Eric Cantona cameo.

A big hit in France, where despite its graphic content it only got the equivalent of a 12 certificate, Porn In The Hood hasn't been able to leverage Klementieff's later superhero fame to attract a more international audience. Maybe you just have to understand the specific nuances of banlieue culture to get all the circus animal jokes?


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