12 Insane Movie Details You Definitely Missed

2. Chris Hemsworth's Wife Played Jane Foster For The Post-Credits Kiss - Thor: The Dark World

Thor The Dark World Kiss
Marvel Studios

You probably don't remember all that much about Thor: The Dark World, but you might recall that the film's post-credits scene sees Thor (Chris Hemsworth) returning to Earth and stealing a sneaky smooch from Jane Foster (Natalie Portman).

Except, believe it or not, that's not Natalie Portman he's clamping a lip-lock on.

The scene was shot after principal photography was completed, and as Portman wasn't available to complete the sequence, a number of models were hired for the climactic kiss, with Hemsworth given the option to choose one.

Ultimately, however, he suggested his own wife, Elsa Pataky, who was quickly kitted out in a wig and wardrobe to resemble Foster, and the end result is pretty damn close to seamless.

It's certainly a happy accident that Pataky resembles Portman quite a bit, and in Portman's own words, "That's why [the kiss] was so passionate." Perfect.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.