12 Kick-Ass Upcoming Movies Nobody Is Talking About

9. Motherless Brooklyn

Motherless Brooklyn
Warner Bros.

Now, the idea of getting too excited about a Bruce Willis movie these days might seem a little silly - given all of that past stuff he's made so badly - but Motherless Brooklyn might well be a surprising return to form. Well, it might be if he wasn't playing a murder victim in it.

The film adaptation of Jonathan Lethem's novel of the same name follows a private detective with Tourettes Syndrome (played by director Ed Norton) as he investigates the murder of his boss. It's your classic noir with a twist and those just don't get made enough these days.

The rest of the cast is also incredible (who wouldn't want to see Alec Baldwin and Willem Dafoe in a film together?) and getting to spend time in seedy 1950s New York should be way more hyped than it is.


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