12 LGBTQ Comic Book Characters Ready For Live-Action Adaptation

10. Northstar

Ultimate Spider-Woman
Marvel Comics

Ever since his marriage to his long time partner, Kyle Jinadu, X-Man Jean-Paul Beaubier has probably been the most prominent homosexual Marvel character. His marriage ceremony made headline news even outside the comic book world. Jean-Paul was introduced as a member of the Canadian super team, Alpha Flight. Northstar would be a very cinematic character with powers near Superman levels. Alpha Flight has not been introduced in the X-Men movie world but Northstar has spent time as a full member of the X-men anyway.

Although Jean-Paul is often shown to be arrogant and somewhat careless about other people, he eventually became a teacher at the Xavier school for mutants and also tried to increase public awareness of HIV/AIDS after he came out publicly as a homosexual. He also became a role model for other gay X-Men characters; writing him that way in a movie would be a nice change up to avoid negative stereotypes. 

Northstar’s relationship with his husband is also a rare example of a lasting and happy marriage. Long lasting relationships, let alone marriages, are unusual in comics and it would be nice to see that on the big screen too. 

Casting Options

Fox has shown they have no problem adding to the X-Men’s roster in every movie and they’ve already had a certain Canadian as the focus of most of their X-Men movies, why not add another? An actor like Logan Lerman or Matt Bomer could turn Northstar into a fan favorite.

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