12 Major Implications Of Spider-Man Joining Marvel's Phase 3

7. No More Bad Spider-Man Movie Decisions

Say what you want about Marc Webb, but he was a committed Spider-Man fan and he genuinely had a strong vision for the Spider-Man unified universe. It's just that he also had a fan's mentality and over-excitement, which appears to have clouded his judgement when it came to making some pretty serious decisions. Sony have themselves - quite infamously - been taking stock at a production level, and aside from their slightly unnecessary (though not undeserved) pot-shots at Adam Sandler they astutely identified that their decision making has led to a shoddy stable and a broken manifesto for film acquisitions. In that respect, putting Webb and Sony together was always going to spell trouble. But now Sony have emerged from the deal with a super-producer of their own in the shape of Kevin Feige: a man who has been the driving force in the formation and expansion of the MCU. Just as John Lasseter was Disney's saviour after guiding Pixar to mega-success, Feige is Sony's biggest compensation for handing over the Spidey rights.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.