12 Marvel Characters You Didn't Notice Are Already In The MCU

11. Scorpion - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness The Living Tribunal
Sony / Marvel

Over the last 20 years, pretty much every member of Spider-Man's rogues gallery has appeared in live-action, including Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Lizard, Electro, Venom, Vulture, Mysterio, Rhino, and the Shocker.

Upon reflection, it looks like the only classic villain that has yet to appear on the big screen is the Scorpion. Being one of Spidey's oldest and most recurring enemies, it's surprising the acid-spewing, arachnid-powered criminal hasn't showed up yet.

Except... he kind of has. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, the wallcrawler follows criminal mastermind, Adrian Toomes, after learning he's preparing to see alien weapons. Although he evades capture, Spider-Man webs Toomes' buyer, Mac Gargan, allowing the police to arrest him.

Although Mac Gargan seems like a random thug, comic fans instantly recognised his name, since it is the civilian identity of the Scorpion. (You can also see a scorpion tattoo on his neck.)

But because we never see Gargan transform into a supervillain, many viewers didn't register who this guy really was. (Speaking of which - why the hell would anyone cast Better Call Saul's Michael Mando in the role and NOT turn him into the Scorpion?? What's wrong with people?!)


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