12 Marvel Cinematic Universe Easter Eggs Phase 3 Needs

2. The Ancient One's Gender

The MCU hasn't shied away from messing with comic conventions - it's built an entire franchise on B-List heroes, after all, and from key story beats (just wait for Civil War) to villains (most are portmanteaus of personalities) everything's been tinkered with for the big screen. And, in upcoming Benedict Cumberbatch-vehicle Doctor Strange, Tilda Swinton will be playing the Sorcerer Supreme's mentor The Ancient One. Although this isn't just a straight-up gender-swap - according to Kevin Feige, while she will be referred to with feminine pronouns, there'll be something androgynous about the character (hence the casting of Swinton, who's never shied away from this sort of role). This all sounds very cool - an update of a key character to make their position in the world stronger - although you can bet there'll be some more die-hard Strange fans who'll want the more conventional "super old mystical guy". While it may not placate them, a cheeky wink towards the change would go a long way to showing the MCU is aware of the alterations it's making. After all, not every easter egg needs to be a universe-expanding tease of acknowledging some obscure comic element - some can just be a little bit of fun.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.