12 Massive Changes In Comic Book Movies From The Source Material

9. Adamantium Penetrating Adamantium

Wolverine Bullet Wow, first things first - these bullets were magical. They erased Wolverine's memories, but had absolutely no effect on his ability to speak. How very specific. But back to the topic on hand - adamantium (especially primary adamantium) is completely indestructible in the comics. The likes of Thor have tried and failed to even put a dent in it (Thor having hit it as hard as he could with his uru hammer Mjolnir and not even managed to mark it - even though he claimed that he'd make a microscopic mark on it, to protect his own ego). Yet, in the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie, the mutant-hating William Stryker - the man mostly responsible for Wolverine having an adamantium-laced skeleton in the first place - wants to make Logan forget where and how he came to have the procedure done and, in order to do that, all he feels he has to do is shoot through his skull with a bullet made of the same material. This brings with it so many other problems - like how there would be fragments of skull and adamantium still floating around in Wolverine's brain - but the main one is that firing an indestructible bullet at an indestructible target should just result in a ricochet. This just didn't make sense at all.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.