12 Massive Changes In Comic Book Movies From The Source Material

8. Doctor Doom Getting His Powers From Space

FantasticFourDoctorDoom In the Fantastic Four movie, Victor Von Doom got his powers in the same cosmic storm as the titular superhero group. While Reed Richard gained stretching abilities, Ben Grimm became rock-like and gained superhuman strength and durability, Sue Storm gained invisibility powers and forcefield projection and Johnny Storm gained flight and a flame form, Victor gained the ability to fire concussive bolts of electricity and a metallic layer developing on his skin. This is completely different to the comics, in which Victor wasn't in space when the cosmic storm occurred. He initially wore a mask to cover scars obtained in a lab accident and his powers come from gadgets built in to his armour, as well as his vast magical knowledge. All of Victor's powers were earned through his own mastery of technology and the mystic arts in the comics, not in an accident.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.