12 Massive Changes In Comic Book Movies From The Source Material

6. Spider-Man Having Biological Webbing

Spider-Man Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, in which Spidey was played by Tobey Maguire, saw the webbed wonder gain webbing as part of his biological powerset as opposed to utilising artificial web-shooters. In the comics, Spider-Man has used biological web-shooters before, but they didn't develop until much later in to his life as Spider-Man - and then they were scrapped for good. However, in the aforementioned Spider-Man trilogy, he had them from the moment he gained his other spider-like abilities (of course, he wasn't very good at using them at first, but that's not the point). The reboot, starring Andrew Garfield, saw the web-shooters being artifical however - developed by the character himself in a lab. Frankly, that's probably how it should be.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.