12 Massive Changes In Comic Book Movies From The Source Material

5. Superman Getting His Suit From A Kryptonian Ship

man-of-steel-10 The comic books have Clark Kent put on his own super-suit (generally after it's made by his Mother) when he decides to become Superman after a lot of character development. In the recent Man of Steel movie, Clark Kent's infamous super-suit was randomly stored on a scout ship that was sent to Earth (and crashed) hundreds of thousands of years before he (and, we can assume, his parents and most of his family tree) was even born. It seemed somewhat contrived. It was way too convenient for Clark Kent and the fact that it fit him perfectly sums that up. The suit is an essential part of Clark's development as a hero and his transformation in to Superman, so for him to don it so early and not really by choice was a little strange. It was definitely an improvement, aesthetically, however.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.