12 The Matrix Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

10. Anderson's Criminal Record Contains A Nod To The Art Director

The interrogation room scene with Thomas Anderson has a number of interesting aspects worth noting which you may have missed - not least, the monitors we see him through at the beginning of the scene bear a striking resemblance to those covering the walls of the Architect, who we meet in The Matrix Reloaded. A close inspection of the page opened before Agent Smith reveals a few interesting incidental details about Thomas Anderson's life in the Matrix up to this point, but tucked away among the text sits the name Michelle McGahey, listed as his mother. McGahey was the art director on The Matrix, and presumably snuck the name in as an extra little credit on top of the one she got on the ending credits.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.