12 The Matrix Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

7. Keanu's Nose Rub Is A Nod To Bruce Lee

One of the unsung heroes of The Matrix is without a doubt Yuen Woo Ping, the fight choreographer behind the incredible martial arts fight sequences. The way in which he transformed actors with no previous fighting experience into on screen talents who looked almost as good as their Eastern action hero counterparts is a testament to his latent talent and the months of hard work the actors invested in training. Keanu Reeves might have had a rougher time than most during those four months of intensive fight training - having injured his spine he wore a neck brace for much of the time and was unable to perform too many kicks - but he certainly knows when to show his respect. During the dojo fight with Morpheus, he gives his nose a rub with his thumb before settling into a stance - a clear nod to the kung fu movie legend to end them all, Bruce Lee.

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