12 MCU Mistakes Thor: Ragnarok Must Avoid

11. Forced & Unnecessary Romance

Thor Ragnarok Tessa Thompson Chris Hemsworth
Marvel Studios

Because studio executives refuse to believe casual viewers will go see a superhero movie unless there's a love story, unconvincing romance has been shoehorned into so many MCU movies, perhaps worst of all the Thor franchise, given his atrociously forced love-in with Jane Foster (who thankfully doesn't appear in Ragnarok).

At this point in the MCU, with billions of dollars in box office receipts in its rear view, do fans really need to put up with such pandering nonsense?

Will It Be Avoided?: Tough to say. The obvious potential for a needless love story here is between Thor and Valkyrie (or possibly Sif, if she actually made it into the final cut).

At least with a director as smart as Taika Waititi at the helm, there's a good chance he might choose to subvert or openly mock the idea.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.