12 MCU Mistakes Thor: Ragnarok Must Avoid

10. An Excessive Runtime

Thor Ragnarok Loki
Marvel Studios

As the MCU has become increasingly successful, the scope of the individual films has grown considerably, resulting in movies with decidedly longer run-times.

Captain America: Civil War, for instance, is the longest MCU movie to date at a staggering 147 minutes, and the majority of the franchise's films clock in at between 130-140 minutes, with barely any daring to linger around the two-hour mark.

Do the movies really need to be that long? In a time where some audiences are experiencing fatigue with both blockbuster and Marvel formula, shouldn't less be more?

Will It Be Avoided?: Thankfully, Taika Waititi promised back in July that Ragnarok will be around the 100-minute mark, and even if that doesn't include credits, that means a likely final length of around 110-115 minutes.

Very reasonable by MCU standards, then, and hopefully an indication that the typical superhero bloat has been streamlined for maximum energy and entertainment value.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.