12 MCU Phase 5 Rumours That Would Change Everything

1. Spider-Man Could Be In Fantastic Four AND Avengers: Secret Wars

Secret Wars Marvel
Marvel Comics

For a while there, it looked like we might have lost Spider-Man from the MCU entirely but now he's back and it might be for a long time, including a cameo in Fantastic Four, Spider-Man 3 and the next Avengers movie, which will be another major event from the comics, according to one big rumour.

The rumour comes courtesy of "leaker" Mikey Sutton from ComicBookMovie who says that Marvel want Tom Holland’s Spider-Man for a Secret Wars movie:

“Marvel Studios is seeking to have Tom Holland appear in Secret Wars. Whether this is the non-Spidey MCU film in the agreement signed by both parties last night remains to be seen, but there is no doubt by anyone on the Marvel side that Spider-Man will be in Secret Wars.”

Sutton also claims that Reed Richards will "be Peter Parker’s new mentor" while another rumour entirely suggests Spider-Man is being set up as the MCU's new Iron Man, who will continue to wear an Iron Spider suit and have his own AI.

And as a bonus, it seems that there's some suggestion that Spider-Man 3 might set up Sinister Six, as producer Amy Pascal took part in the special features of Spider-Man: Far From Home’s home video release and said the following:

All of these villains that we now have in our universe happen to be characters that are in the Sinister Six. There may be something that happens with that.

She surely can't just be dropping that out of the sky for nothing? Does that mean it's coming and within the MCU? If not, that would suggest that the MCU and Sony's "Venomverse" are indeed linked together if those characters are going to cross-over. Which in itself is a pretty exciting revelation.

Which of these rumours do you hope are true? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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