12 MCU Phase 5 Rumours That Would Change Everything

5. Black Widow Might Not Be Fully Dead

Avengers Endgame Black Widow Death
Marvel Studios

Good news for anyone who was annoyed with how Black Widow was tossed out of the MCU - without so much as a memorial - and who refuses to be appeased by the forthcoming stand-alone prequel that opens Phase 4: one rumour suggests her time is not up yet.

According to sources allegedly close to We Got This Covered – who had previously told them that Taskmaster would be the villain in Black Widow among some other choice leaks - Marvel actually have plans to resurrect Scarlett Johansson’s assassin and bring her back into the present day MCU timeline.

How they'd do it remains to be seen, but with magic and time travel and alternate dimensions now on the table, they can do basically whatever they want. All WGTC are saying for more clarity is that it's going to happen in Phase 5 at the earliest, which will be good, but it's all a little confusing for now.


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