12 MCU Phase 5 Rumours That Would Change Everything

4. Drax's Daughter Is Alive in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 (And Lylla Will Appear)

Moondragon Drax

One of the big unresolved story threads in the Guardians movies is Drax's past and it seems - thanks to a rumour from Roger Wardell once more - that we're going to see more of that particular story in Vol 3.

On top of Gamora's involvement after the end of Endgame, Wardell says that Moondragon (Drax's daughter), The High Evolutionary, and Lylla will all join the cast:

“Rocket's creator is the High Evolutionary, Drax is in for a big surprise when he discovers his daughter is alive. Rocket also gets a love interest in the form of Lylla. Nebula and Star Lord will grow into closer friends.”

That's Lylla the sentient otter for anyone unclear and not already losing their sh*t in excitement. And the High Evolutionary's link with Adam Warlock would fit with how Vol 2 was left.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.