12 Military Characters Who Put You Off The Army

4. Corporal Himmelstoss - All Quiet On The Western Front

Himmelstoss...there's a latrine down the road. Why don't you go take a jump? - Private Friedrich Muller
Have you ever had a boss who was an absolute jerk because on the inside he or she knew that he or she was an absolute incompetent moron? No? Take it back to grade school then. Ever known bullies because they wanted to hide the fact that deep down they were actually insecure cowards? Sure you have. At some point in time we all have had to deal with people like that, but could you imagine if that person held power over you in matters of life and death? Situations would quickly escalate from that person simply irritating you to that person getting you killed for any number of reasons. Just like Corporal Himmelstoss from All Quiet on the Western Front. While only their drill instructor in the film, Himmelstoss is a nazi of an NCO who later turns out to be a coward when dealing with the horrors of actual war. Played by Ian Holm, who despite his size can be extremely menacing if he chooses, Himmelstoss represents another reason why enlisting in the army could suck. You don't want this guy as your acting jack for a Sergeant.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation