12 Military Characters Who Put You Off The Army

5. Colonel Miles Quaritch - Avatar

Well, well, well. I'd say diplomacy has failed. - Colonel Miles Quaritch
Yes, there are a few army guys with the attitude of Avatar's one-note, huah-army, and kill-everything-because-it's-fun villainy. However, they are usually not officers and never make it past the rank of buck sergeant because even the American military, widely believed to be the Republican party's brown shirts now, realizes that guys like this are complete jerk-offs and puts them quickly in their place. Until that happens though I feel sorry for anyone who has to serve under their command. Colonel Miles Quaritch's character flaw is that he is a complete idiot who would rather start a war than simply say please to the natives of Pandora because he believes his superior weaponry will save him from the trouble of starting a conversation. Seems like a rather inefficient and costly course of action, but hey, if he had even an ounce of rationality inside him the movie just wouldn't have worked. Not only does Quaritich turn you off from joining the army because of his attitude, but also the apparent lack of discipline he keeps amongst his ranks. Most of his men are completely out of uniform and look like two-bit bikers who just drank beer and now are going home to beat their wives (as Harry Plinkett pointed out in his review of the film).

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation