12 Missing Trailer Scenes From Superhero Movies That Would Have Been Awesome

10. R.I.P.D.


The Scene: When faced with a particularly nasty ghost, who’s given its host an entire face-full of eyeballs, Jeff Bridge’s Roy comically responds, "Damn, I don't know what eyes to shoot you between." (1:22)

Why It Would Have Been Awesome: Just looking at the story, it was always going to be hard to make a good movie out of R.I.P.D. It came across like an off-kilter version of Men In Black with ghosts with a very bizarre Jeff Bridges as the lead. That said, there was still room for the film to be an enjoyable guilty pleasure.

One way it could have succeeded in this was to beef up the humour. Making one of the leads the old west sheriff Roy played by a super-hammy Bridges almost requires that the movie embrace its more ridiculous tone. The line itself isn’t even that funny but it’s conceivably one of many that failed to make the cut.

This one scene would not have even come close to saving the movie, but it might have represented a different attitude towards its construction and execution. 


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.