12 Mistakes Marvel Needs To Avoid For Phase Three

3. Using Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. To Set Things Up

The Mistake: After a shaky start to its first season, ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finally began to get into its groove in season two, with more tie-ins to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, specifically cameos from characters such as Sif, Peggy Carter and Maria Hill, and plot-wise, the introduction of the Inhumans. There's been a lot of division between MCU fans about how blatantly the show should tie into the movies, especially following Agent Coulson's resurrection in the show, while he's still being kept out of the films in order to make his death in The Avengers feel like a little less of a cop-out. Overall this reflects how the interplay between the show and the movies can prove problematic with fans. Why It Could Ruin Phase Three: It's all well and good introducing the Inhumans in the show, as long as this isn't to the detriment of those who don't watch or care for the series. While the standalone Inhumans movie will almost certainly rake over the cliff notes of what happens in the show, it's hopefully not a sign that Marvel are going to add more and more high-profile MCU tie-ins into a show that can be extremely hit and miss (and therefore many MCU fans simply don't watch it). It seems unlikely that Marvel Studios would let this get out of hand, and so far they've done a decent enough job of keeping the Coulson mess out of the movies, but there are plenty of opportunities moving forward for those not watching the show to miss out on vital information.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.