12 Mistakes Marvel Needs To Avoid For Phase Three

4. Annoying Supporting Characters

The Mistake: The MCU has amassed an impressive and diverse array of supporting characters to date, some of the more memorable and entertaining ones including Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Sif, War Machine, Falcon, Heimdall and Erik Selvig. However, one bad supporting character sticks out like a sore thumb among the rest, and that's Jane Foster's chirpy intern in the Thor movies, Darcy Lewis. Though she certainly has her fans and Kat Dennings is typically a good actress, here her shrillness and the rather tepid one-liners she's given only render her annoying. Why It Could Ruin Phase Three: Though Darcy in particular has a rather muted MCU presence (she hasn't been in an Avengers movie yet) and that will likely continue, Marvel needs to keep these sorts of characters to an absolute minimum, because just a couple of them can turn viewers off and leave them groaning every time they show up on screen. A bad sidekick is unlikely to totally ruin Phase Three, but one that's obnoxious enough could easily be a hurdle to fully enjoying future movies.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.