12 Mistakes Marvel Needs To Avoid For Phase Three

11. Boring Villains Nobody Cares About

The Mistake: Serving up a host of boring villains that are immediately forgettable and just not very interesting. Recent examples include Malekith in Thor: The Dark World, and Ronan in Guardians Of The Galaxy. Does anyone remember their powers or what their motivations really even were? Despite being recognisable components of the Marvel comic universe, neither character was given much of interest to do beyond being a placeholder to keep the plot moving forward. This appears to be a distinct Marvel weakness, as the only truly great, iconic villains in the MCU so far are Loki, Red Skull, The Winter Soldier and maybe Thanos. Why It Could Ruin Phase Three: Because it's hard to get too invested in what's going on if the villains aren't colourful, imaginative, smart and well-acted. By the time the likes of Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Inhumans are hitting cinemas, audiences may stop caring about anything that isn't Infinity War if there's no interesting conflict. At least Black Panther should hopefully benefit from the mighty presence of Ulysses Klaue (played so well by Andy Serkis in Age Of Ultron) as its big bad.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.