12 More Movies You Didn't Realise Stupidly Broke Their Own Rules

1. Kryptonite Limits Superman's Powers - Batman v Superman

Batman V Superman Death
Warner Bros.

The Rule:

Kryptonite - Superman's literal Kryptonite - is the great plane-leveller, which turns Superman into a fairly normal guy, who Batman can beat up (albeit temporarily). As with the traditional Supes lore, it essentially wipes out all of his powers.

The Breaker:

Actually, it only affects SOME of Superman's powers, so it's okay really. As ever, Superman's power-set is incredibly malleable, as per the requirements of the plot.

Despite showing that a cloud of Kyrptonite gas would render Superman considerably less strong than Batman (albeit temporarily as it left his system) in their fight, the Krytponite spear he uses to kill Doomsday has very little impact on him.

Were the rule properly adhered to, Superman would not have been able to fly anywhere near the Kryptonite. He would have been left sitting in an all-too-human heap trying to function normally.

Which other films that broke their own rules belong on this list? Share your own finds below in the comments thread.

Read Next: 14 Movies You Didn't Realise Stupidly Broke Their Own Rules


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