12 More Truly Terrible Extras Who Ruined Their Scenes
9. Live Long And Prosper - Logan's Run
If you love something as dearly as Star Trek fans love Star Trek, it can make you do impulsive things to show your devotion. Impulsive things like throwing a Vulcan salute up in the air while you're doing Extra work on Logan's Run, which was subsequently - somehow - missed in the edit and remains as a confusing monument to Star Trek's greatness in entirely the wrong sci-fi universe.
Nice work, but also very naughty.
The offending arm belonged to one Adam Wyse, the son of a talent agent who gave him choice gigs and who has since revealed his story:
"I remember working weeks on end on LR culminating to the big finale of filming the destruction of "Dome City" filmed at the Ft. Worth Water Gardens. We were directed to wait on the far side of a wall for the explosions and then came over to gather around the first old person we'd ever seen, played by the late Peter Ustinov. I also remember a girl from our agency was selected to be the one to touch the old man's face. Rumor has it this required a "special audition", but who really knows. Anyway, I was simply wanting to find a way to locate myself in the crowd and didn't do it long, I thought. I feared it would get noticed and end up on the cutting room floor, but as you mentioned, made the final print. I had forgotten about this until a friend of mine from back then called me and said the salute had made the Internet."