12 More Truly Terrible Extras Who Ruined Their Scenes

8. Monkey Doesn't Commit - Planet Of The Apes

Planet Of The Apes Monkey
20th Century Fox

In the original Planet Of The Apes, Charlton Heston's George Taylor suffers the abuse of being pelted with stones by the Apes, who take great relish from his suffering and seem intent on making it even worse.

Well, all but two of them anyway. Because two of the Extras under the heavy simian make-up obviously weren't happy to have been lumbered with stoning duty that day.

Frst you have the monkey visibly flinching at the baying mob, instead of joining in, and then you get another throwing a stone with such a lack of gusto that you'd suspect she's not all that into it...

POTA Throw
20th Century Fox

Perhaps it was the heat, or the annoyance of the make-up, but she really could have done that better.


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