12 More Truly Terrible Extras Who Ruined Their Scenes

6. "Storm? Not Bothered, Mate" - The Day After Tomorrow

Day After Tomorrow Extra
20th Century Fox

One of the things that The Day After Tomorrow does really well is sell the terrifying doom of a mega-storm so furious that millions of humans would die in seconds, like ants under foot. That's always the appeal of natural disaster movies, with Mother Nature basically offering a cold-hearted middle-finger salute to humanity's arrogant sense of invincibility.

Unfortunately for her, though, one of the Extras cast in The Day After Tomorrow didn't get the memo that he was supposed to be in any way scared. Even as everyone else is running in terror towards sanctuary, he simply stands, seemingly unbothered, waiting for a cue to move...

Day After Tomorrow
20th Century Fox

How else would you react in the face of a massive killer tsunami about to rearrange your body parts across the greater metropolitan area?


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