12 More Truly Terrible Extras Who Ruined Their Scenes

7. The Worst Butcher - Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Indiana Jones Butcher
Paramount Pictures

Raiders Of The Lost Ark might be a beautifully immersive adventure for most people, but spare a thought for all of the butchers watching who had their whole experience of the film ruined by an Extra dragging their craft through the mud.

Given the action going on the foreground, it's very possible you didn't even see him, but his knife skills are almost as impressive as those Indy has no time for. Both are fundamentally unlikely to do any damage at all to their intended targets, because neither get anywhere near striking an actual blow.

Look at him, he is literally the worst butcher in the history of butchering.

All he's serving is delicious slices of fresh-air...

Indiana Jones Extra
Paramount Pictures

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