12 Most Anticipated Captain America: Civil War Moments (Based On What We Know)

3. Crossbones Fights Cap

When the corrupted S.H.I.E.L.D. tried to bring Captain America in during the Winter Soldier movie, it was Frank Grillo€™s Brock Rumlow who put up the best fight against Rogers (aside from the Winter Solider himself, of course). In Marvel's comics, Rumlow goes on to become the villain Crossbones, who plays a big part in Civil War, most notably during the finale. As we know from leaked set-photos, Crossbones is going to be in the thick of the action in MCU€™s version of Civil War, and the actor himself revealed that his appearance in Captain America: The Winter Solider was something of an origins story for him:
€œIt was only a taste of what€™s to come in the next film, and I couldn€™t be more humbled and excited. We all know what Crossbones represents in this world. He is a bad ass, he€™s just vicious.€
Crossbones will have a whole new arsenal at his disposal this time around and will again try his hand at going toe-to-toe with Captain America in what promises to be the best scuffle between the pair yet.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.